
I was wondering if you could give me a hand.  I have been trying to migrate a Struts 0.5 App that ran on weblogic 5.1sp6 to weblogic 6.  Perhaps you could answer the following:

  • What version of struts are you using?
  • Did you upgrade Weblogic 6 to use the EJB 2.0 jar
  • In weblogic5.1 there needed to be a WebAppStartup.class, which I believe modified the order in which classes where loaded.  Did you need this class in weblogic 6?   If so how did you specify where to find the class in weblogic 6?  Could you share your config.xml file?
  • Finally, could you share any other details that may be of use.
Any help you can provide would be appreciated.  Thanks!!!

John LeGassic
Nightfire Software

Carl Tallis wrote:

All -     Never mind.  Turns out that was the only error, and the app runs fine, now.  One interesting note - to compile Struts, you need Xalan version 1.x - version 2.x won't work.  Carl TallisDirector Of ProductsSupplyLinks, Inc.Tel: (703) 796-6010Fax: (703) 796-6014email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
-----Original Message-----
From: Carl Tallis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2001 9:52 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: WebLogic 6 & Example App
Hi -     Testing a seventh (!) app server, my luck continues unabated: Parsing of JSP File '/index.jsp' failed:
/index.jsp(3): Error in using tag library uri='html' prefix='/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld': There is no setter method for property 'lowsrc', for Tag class 'org.apache.struts.taglib.html.ImgTag'
probably occurred due to an error in /index.jsp line 3:
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld" prefix="html" %> 
Tue Jan 30 21:23:26 EST 2001
Sure enough, this class has methods getlowSrc and setLowsrc.  How is this not hosing everyone?  Is there a flag to keep WebLogic from validating all the setter/getters in an application? This looks like an error that _someone_ must have solved, simply. Carl TallisDirector Of ProductsSupplyLinks, Inc.Tel: (703) 796-6010Fax: (703) 796-6014email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
n:le gassic;john
org:Nightfire Software
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Software Engineer
adr;quoted-printable:;;300 Lakeside Drive=0D=0ASuite 2100;Oakland;CA;94612;
fn:john le gassic

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