Title: Blank
The subordinate file tags are processed. The subordinate files are included via a PageContext.include() which is like a jsp:include. The subordinate file can be a full fledged jsp but it will inherit some things from the outer jsp (like the buffer size) and share the same request/respone objects.
-----Original Message-----
From: Carl Tallis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, January 31, 2001 5:14 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Templates in Struts

Hi -
    Am I correct in inferring that the Struts templates don't process Struts tags in the subordinate files?
Carl Tallis
Director Of Products
SupplyLinks, Inc.
Tel: (703) 796-6010
Fax: (703) 796-6014

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