Hello Christophe,
Friday, February 02, 2001, 2:07:25 AM, you wrote:
>>> Is there a prefered way to implement graphical buttons within a struts form ?
>> You can use html:image tag and specify appropriate client-side scripts
>> for image switching.
>> Oleg mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
CT> how do you manage several <input type=submit> fields within one form ?
CT> <input> does not have a body, so you cannot nest an <img> inside an <input>
You can use <html:image> tag for it. This tag is rendered as
<input type="image" src="any.gif">
This html tag is part of 'official' HTML spec. and can be used as
replace for submit button.
CT> mouseover/out still does not work with Nescape, so I will need to test the
CT> browser to produce a different response, one with a button for netscape, the
CT> other without for IE... ?
I test this scheme in IE only - we don't need Netscape.
Best regards,