the semi-colon is probably it.  I didn't notice that.  :)

Mike Campbell wrote:

> >>>>> "PA" == Peter Alfors <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> PA> Have you checked that TOMCAT_HOME is actually being set before you
> PA> run tomcat.bat? Maybe try to run startup.bat. It will tell you if
> PA> it TOMCAT_HOME is not specified. Also, did you check to make sure
> PA> that the servlet.jar is in the tomcat\lib directory?
> PA> majid kamal wrote:
> >> Hi, I have tomcat3.1, it was woking fine, now I downloaded the last version
> >> under windows2000, but when I try to start it like this :
> >> C:\tomcat\bin\tomcat start
> >> I got this error :
> >> Unable to locate servlet.jar, check the value of TOMCAT_HOME.
> >>
> >> TOMCAT_HOME is set to C:\tomcat;
> Is TOMCAT_HOME supposed to have a trailing semicolon?
> --
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