Ravi Manthena wrote:

> Not sure if this is clear but I wanted to keep it short:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Working : JSP Source
>  <jsp:useBean id="wrapper" scope="page"
>  class="com.arrow.util.StrutsUtil"/>
>  <h3>Object[] OutPut</h3>
>  <logic:iterate id="element" name="bean" collection="<%=
>  wrapper.getDriver() %>" offset="0" length="5">
>          <br><bean:write name="element"/>
>  </logic:iterate>
>  Question :
>  How can we call a method on the instance of each ArrayObject
>  Example :
>  bean.getFirstName()

How about:

    <bean:write name="element" property="firstName"/>


>  Any Suggestions will be great.
>  Ravi Manthena

Craig McClanahan

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