Thierry Cools wrote:
Hi, are there some people that already try to deploy the struts-example on ATG I tried this afternoon, but I ran into problems like "No match was found for method "setLocale(java.lang.String)" I assume that this is a bug in ATG, this kind of bug could be solved more or less easily in struts, but I don't want to spend to much time to finaly see that is almost impossible to make it run on this server. Thanks for your help,Thierry 
Did this error happen on a JSP page using the <html:html> tag?  If so, it looks like ATG might have the same spec conformance problem that JRun has.

In the <html:html> tag class (org.apache.struts.taglib.html.HtmlTag), the "locale" property is a boolean, not a String.  The JSP container is required to convert custom tag attributes according to the conversion rules in Table 2-4 of the JSP 1.1 specification.  This was not clearly spelled out in the 1.1 spec itself, but was clarified in a published errata last April, which you can find at:

See item #7.

Craig McClanahan

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