"Craig R. McClanahan" wrote:

> Dan Malks wrote:
> > Craig,
> >
> > "Craig R. McClanahan" wrote:
> >
> > > Neal Kaiser wrote:
> > >
> > > > How does this work when they are registering for the first time, not
> > > > editing. I can
> > > > see that in EditRegistrationAction the token is set... but if they are
> > > > registering
> > > > for the first time where is the token set? It seems that it would fail when
> > > > it hits
> > > > the token check in SaveRegistrationAction, but I know it doesn't, so it must
> > > > be set
> > > > somewhere, right?
> > > >
> > >
> > > You will note that the "Register with the MailReader Demonstration Application"
> > > link (on index.jsp) goes through "EditRegistration.do" as well, so that the
> > > token gets saved even in this case.  The "?action=Create" request parameter is
> > > used to distinguish this from the editing case ("?action=Edit").
> >
> > Would 'ModifyRegistration.do' or 'ProcessRegistration.do' be more clear, then?
> >
> Or even something more generic like "StartRegistration.do"?  Can you tell that I 
> the "edit" use case first?  :-)
> I had a Comp Sci prof that said the most critical design decision you will ever make
> is naming things.

And often, surprisingly, one of the harder ones.

> And, even when you get the initial name correct, it is important to
> review your names after the program has evolved a bit.

Amen ;-)


>  Sounds like it is time to do
> that exercise on the example app.
> >
> > -dm
> >
> Craig

Dan Malks                                 Sun Java Center
Enterprise Java Architect            703.208.5794

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