Hi Sudhi,

maybe it is a good idea to use the mysql driver mm.mysql-2.0.4. I had similar
problems, what caused me to do the upgrade from 1.2 and I do not encounter any
more problems since then.

Have fun,

 --- Matthias

Matthias Bauer +++ [EMAIL PROTECTED] +++ LivingLogic AG +++ www.livinglogic.de

Sudheendra Hebbagilu wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using mysql as my database. In the beginning I had a older version of
> struts. It was throwing this error when establishing a connection in
> java.lang.AbstractMethodError: org/gjt/mm/mysql/Connection.getTypeMap
> Then I got the latest nightly build. In GenericConnection class this was
> fixed. But now I have the same problem while closing the connection.
> Can somebody add another catch statement at line 250 of
> org.apache.struts.util.GenericConnection ?
> Same as the one on line 123
>  catch (AbstractMethodError e) {
>             ;   // mm.mysql throws this
>  }
> Thanks in advance
> Sudhi

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