
I thought it would be nice to use the template-example technique with the i18n 
support in struts but is running into problem.

Below is a code snippet for the entry to the web I\'m building - slightly 
modified from the template-example example.

<%@ page language=\"java\" %>
<%@ taglib uri=\"/WEB-INF/struts-bean.tld\" prefix=\"bean\" %>
<%@ taglib uri=\"/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld\" prefix=\"html\" %>
<%@ taglib uri=\"/WEB-INF/struts-logic.tld\" prefix=\"logic\" %>
<%@ taglib uri=\'/WEB-INF/struts-template.tld\' prefix=\'template\' %>

<template:insert template=\'/template.jsp\'>
  <template:put name=\'title\' content=\'Templates\' direct=\'true\'/>
  <template:put name=\'header\' content=\'/header.html\' />
  <template:put name=\'sidebar\' content=\'/sidebar.jsp\' />
  <template:put name=\'content\' content=\'/welcome.jsp\'/>
  <template:put name=\'footer\' content=\'/footer.html\' />

Instead of using the Name \'Template\' of the page I thought it would be nice to 
look up this value using the <bean:message> tag. How shall one do this? I have, 
newbie as I\'m to jsp and tag libraries, tried
  template:put name=\'title\' content=<bean:message key=\"page.title\"/> 
and some variants without fortune. Please help me...

\\Magnus Sirwiö

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