"Mueller, Franz" wrote:

> Hi Craig,
> Our web-app looks like:
>                 ActionServletMain
>    ActionServletModule1    ActionServletModule2  ...
> All of the controllers are living in the same web-app.
> The main controller is the only instance which knows about all the
> module-controllers.
> The communication between a module controller and the main controller is
> minimal.
> Each of the controllers has its own set of JSP/HTML-pages which are located
> in its own subfolders.
> The file structure looks like: %web-app%\
>                                         'main' ui
>                                         module1\
>                                                  'module1' ui
>                                         module2\
>                                                  'module2' ui
>                                         ...
> The reasons for the modularisation are:
> 1. each module can exist in its own web-app
> 2. each module is developed by a different group
> Each module has ist own extension-mapping. So the requests with the
> extension *.main are served by the ActionServletMain, and *.m1  by the
> ActionServletModule1 and so on.

OK, just be aware that if you actually migrate them into separate webapps the
session information will be separated as well.

> You mentioned:
> Craig::>>servlet context attributes set up by the ActionServlet instances
> that started first to
> Craig::>>be wiped out by the attributes created
> Craig::>>in the ActionServlet instance that started last ...
> Since we are using Struts just as a controller framework and are NOT using
> any Struts tags,
> are we on the safe side ?
> What are the smoking guns in such a model ?
> The attributes, that the ActionServlet is setting in the application and in
> the session scope (like Locale ) are
> they required for the controller part of Struts or for  the Struts-tags ?

The controller servlet initializes the following servlet context attributes,
under the keys identified in square brackets:

* The generic DataSource object if you have initialized one
  under the default key.  [org.apache.struts.action.DATA_SOURCE]

* The ActionFormBeans collection that is the lookup table for everything
  configured in the <form-beans> section of your struts-config.xml file.

* The ActionForwards collection that is the lookup table for everything
  configured in the <global-forwards> section of your struts-config.xml file.

* The ActionMappings collection that is the lookup table for everything
  configured in the <action-mappings> section of your struts-config.xml file.

* The MessageResources implementation for your application
  resources object.  [org.apache.struts.action.MESSAGE]

If you have more than one instance of ActionServlet (even if it is subclassed)
in the same webapp, you will run into problems if you depend on any of the
above -- which is almost impossible to avoid in a Struts based application.
For example, the only mappings that will be visible are those loaded from the
last struts-config.xml file that was processed, because the ActionMappings
collection is a global variable per webapp.

> Best Regards, fm


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