
For the installation page, I just entered for iPlanet Application Server

Service Pack 2 is recommended.

NOTE: At present, the Struts example application still uses a
non-Serializable servlet context attribute, and will not run in an
environment that requires them, like iPlanet Application Server.

For iPlanet Web Server 4.2 I added Stanley Santiago's notes from


Is this sufficient?

Should we include your workaround(s) for Service Pack 1?

Are these them? 



> Hi,
> no it isn't scary...it is working :-) !
> We are using IP6.0 with WS4.1 and although the manual says that SP1 is
> supporting SERVLET2.1 and JSP0.92 only  the main functions are runing (with
> a small workaround). But IP6.0 SP2 supports SERVLET2.2 and JSP1.1 as SUN
> announced. We are just installing SP2 and in a week we will see if this
> workaround isn't necessary any longer.
> Regards Oliver (Craig :-) ) Lauer

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