Title: Ubu1 Stationery
My environment: WinNT4, JDK1.2.2, Tomcat 3.2.1, Struts (Feb 14 build).
For our application, we need file upload capabilities. Before using the
multipart-request handler of Struts, I must be sure it performs well for
middle-sized files (maximum 10 MB). So I tested the struts-upload example
and I get the bad following result: 110 seconds to upload a 3.6 MB file!
And the test was purely local (client browser and server on the same PC).
Can someone tell me if it is a problem with the implementation or with
my environment (Tomcat?).
Thanks in advance,
// Alain Hubert
// Software Engineer @ IconMedialab Belgium
// Tel +32 2 506 23 26   // Fax +32 2 506 23 00 

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