Dear all,

It's so common for web pages to access database.
Those basic database operations are : browse, update, insert, delete.
I am not keen on JSP and confused with those MVC frameworks [hard to learn
without good example].
I did it in my own way (with reference from some JSP articles).

I call my way "Bean-Handler".
I did some basic pages in that way. See attachment.
I used the sample table EMP of scott of Oracle as example.
If u are not using Oracle, there are 2 sql script to create the table in ur
own database server [I have a bit modification on the data type youself]

remark: you need to download oracle thin driver yourself and change the IP
to ur database server!

In the example, you can browse[with single column sorting], insert, update,
delete and search data.
Sorry for my poor programming! You are welcome to comment, refactor or re-do
a better example for all of us.
Those MVC frameworks, such as Struts, Webwork, are popular now.
Can any expert do a similar example with those frameworks for us?

Poor things/Function missed in my example:
1. resultset paging missed [in MySQL or PostgreSQL, there is Limit-Offset
select statement to do it, how about MSSQL/Oracle]
2. Searching are case-censitive, condition field are all "AND"
3. single column sorting only [how to sort more than one column]
4. how to handle the sorting on the searched results?
5. no exception handling, how to handle the error of database server/JDBC
and runtime error?

Pls help!
Waiting for all you smart guys!


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