I'm wondering about the logic behind the form tags.  Here I have a simple
form that is created by iterating over a collection.  The iterator exposes
the variable "item" which is a String for this simple case.  The name
attribute of bean:write treats "item" as a variable, while the value
attribute of various form tags (radio, text, hidden) treats "item" as a
literal.  Thus, the "<%= item %>" workaround.  This workaround leads to code
that is not well formed xml, and becomes much uglier with a collection of
complex objects.

Am I using the framework incorrectly? Is this an oversight/bug?  Is this a
necessary behavior?

Thanks for the help,


<%    java.util.ArrayList list = new java.util.ArrayList();
    pageContext.setAttribute("list", list, PageContext.PAGE_SCOPE);

<html:form action="/test.do">
<logic:iterate id="item" name="list" type="java.lang.String">
    <td><html:radio property="username" value="item"/></td>

    <td><html:radio property="username" value="<%= item %>"/></td>

    <td><bean:write name="item"/></td>

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