Shamdasani Nimmi-ANS004 wrote:
> I have wasted so much time trying to get this to work and all that was missing in my 
>JSP was this line:
> <%@ taglib uri="/Web-inf/struts-logic.tld" prefix="logic" %>
> The strange part is that I was not getting any error in the log files saying 
>undefined tag or anything.

nope, not that strange.
if you viewed the source of your page, you should be able to see your
logic tags, still sitting there, unprocessed as text.

The container will only complain about undefined tags if there is a .tld
defined with
a prefix at the top of the page (ie the struts-logic tags). Otherwise it
treats everything
else as plain text.


> I appreciate all the help I received :)
> -Nimmi
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Shamdasani Nimmi-ANS004 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2001 11:04 AM
> Subject: RE: Question about iterate tag
> Craig,
> I did try this way but it still does not work. Since supplier.value is of type 
>SupplierBean, do I have to specify that anywhere?
> ------------------------------------------------------
> <jsp:useBean id="user" scope="session" type="com.motorola.mms.msqc.beans.UserBean"/>
> <logic:iterate id="supplier" name="user" property="suppliers" >
> <TR>
> <TD><bean:write name="supplier" property="value.seq_nbr" scope="page"/></TD>
> <TD><bean:write name="supplier" property="" scope="page"/></TD>
> <TD><bean:write name="supplier" property="value.countryName" scope="page"/></TD>
> </TR>
> </logic:iterate>
> </TABLE>
> -----------------------------------------------------
> but this code which I am trying to replace with tags works:
> <jsp:useBean id="user" scope="session" type="com.motorola.mms.msqc.beans.UserBean"/>
> <%
>         Hashtable hashTable = (Hashtable) user.getSuppliers();
>         for (Enumeration e = hashTable.elements(); e.hasMoreElements(); )
>         {
>            SupplierBean supplier = (SupplierBean) e.nextElement();
> %>
> <TR>
> <TD><FONT face = "Arial">supplier.getCode() %></FONT></TD>
> <TD><FONT face = "Arial"><%= supplier.getName() %></FONT></TD></FONT></TD>
> <TD><FONT face = "Arial"><%= supplier.getCountryName() %></FONT></TD>
> </TR>
> <% } %>
> </TABLE>
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Craig R. McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2001 11:30 PM
> Subject: Re: Question about iterate tag
> Shamdasani Nimmi-ANS004 wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Could someone please tell me what I am doing wrong below:
> >
> > user is a bean in session scope in my JSP and its getSuppliers() method returns a 
>hashtable where keys are Suppliers Ids and elements are Supplier beans.
> >
> > <logic:iterate collection="<%= user.getSuppliers() %>" id="supplier" 
> >
> > <TR>
> > <TD><bean:write name="supplier" property="seq_nbr" scope="page" /></TD>
> > <TD><bean:write name="supplier" property="name" scope="page" /></TD>
> > <TD><bean:write name="supplier" property="country_name" scope="page" /></TD>
> > </TR>
> >
> > </logic:iterate>
> >
> When you iterate over a Hashtable (or any other implementation of the Map 
>interface), the object get for the "id" variable is actually an implementation of
> the "Map.Entry" class, not the class of the value of the bean.  From this 
>"Map.Entry" instance, however, you can easily get to the real information:
>     <bean:write name="supplier" property="value.seq_nbr" scope="page"/>
> This works because a MapEntry has two properties -- key and value -- so we are using 
>the nested property syntax to effectively call getValue().getSeq_nbr().
> >
> > Thanks in advance.
> >
> > -Nimmi
> Craig

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