On Sat, Mar 03, 2001 at 02:52:53PM +0100, Johan Compagner wrote:
> This would be very nice but remember that the struts-config.xml sits inside the war 
> And you don't have any control over it then. Some containers extract it (like tomcat)
> others work directly in it. And maybe other extract it to a internal database.
> So what to update?
> Maybe if struts build in functions that you store every setting to a database souce 
>that is specified
> and struts wants (a) specifiek table(s) for it and that are updated when you do 
>addForm ect ect.
> johan

I think the best solution would be to add some store/load interface
maybe with some defalut implementation. But the final solution would
be (at least in my opinion) to define a standard management interface
to struts (I mean to attach a JMX MBean) and in this case struts would be
open for various JMX agent implementations. This would result in the redesign
of the whole startup etc., so it is definitely an 1.X (X >= 1 ) issue,
but many other questions (datasources, chaches, resources etc.) would
gain a common framework.                                    incze

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