GABOREAU Véronique wrote:

> hello,
> I use the Struts Framework to manipulate an input form : I have a jsp page,
> an EditAction class and a SaveAction class.
> The EditAction calls the Jsp page, then when the form is submitted, it calls
> the SaveAction to save data into the database.
> What I want to do next is to re-submit the JSP page with a new empty form if
> action='create'. I'm not sure how I  could easily do that ???
> Should I return a new ActionForward at the end of the perform() method of
> SaveAction class ?

> It would be nice if somebody gives me some tips or examples.
> Thanks in advance.

One simple technique would be to return an ActionForward that points at your
EditAction again.  In struts-config.xml you might say:

    <action path="/saveAction" ...>
        <forward name="next-input-form" page="/" />

and, at the end of your SaveAction perform() method, call:

    return (mapping.findForward("next-input-form");

This will end up forwarding to the controller servlet, which will populate a new
empty form bean and ultimately forward to the input form page.

> Veronique Gaboreau.


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