
I think, you can specify JNDI provider in env.put statements.

Or alternative way to set the following lines in file (marked with red - replace with your implementation):



Roland Huss wrote:


I have a problem with tomcat 3.2.1, stuts, Jdk 1.3 and JNDI. In our
struts application we are using an own JNDI provider for looking up
plugins. However, since we are using JDK 1.3, which includes the
javax.naming packages itself, they are always loaded by the system
classloader. Hence, our very own JNDI-SP residing below
WEB-INF/classes is not found and an ClassNotFound exception is
thrown. Putting jndi.jar from sun into WEB-INF/lib doesn't work,
either. The only solution we came up so far was to put all out application
classes and struts.jar into tomcat's CLASSPATH, which is really a bad

Are there any other, better ways to get tomcat to load the
javax.naming packages with the webapp-class loader ?

thanx, cu...
                                                        ...roland huss

[ The subject might be slightly off-topic. But since there has
been already some extensive discussion on classloaders in this list and
the problem also concerns any struts app using own JNDI-provider with
tomcat, I hope I'm not too far away from the list. ]

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