Kyle Robinson writes:
 > Does anyone have any stories of great success with Struts?  I'm trying to
 > convince management that Struts is a good thing and applications can be
 > developed efficiently and solidly with it. If so please email me directly as
 > I think this may be slightly off-topic.

I don't think its off-topic.  As a matter of fact I'm also trying
to sell my management and would also like to here about success
stories.  If people could post to the list I'd be happy to
collect the responses for inclusion in the Struts site.  

Suggested format for responses:

  Company name and URL

  Contact person (optional)

  Description of application using Struts

  Number of users plus any performance metrics

  Server environment:  Describe Web/App server being used, and
                       database config (DataSource ?).


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