On Mon, 12 Mar 2001, Bryan Field-Elliot wrote:

> I've been tearing apart my problems using copyProperties in an EJB 
> environment;
> The scenario is that I am using PropertyUtils.copyProperties to copy 
> everything FROM a simple bean, TO an EJB entity bean.
> Earlier tonight I thought that the hangup was over the destination bean, 
> perhaps because it was an EJB remote interface. But my digging turns up 
> that this isn't the case.
> The exception is during the getting of the source properties (from my 
> simple bean), and it never even gets to the setting of the destination 
> property.
> I extracted a small piece of code from copyProperties and am executing 
> it directly:
> // pv is my simple bean, and "name" is a String property within in, 
> which has a getter and a setter method.
> PropertyDescriptor descriptor;
> // Following two lines are key:
> descriptor = PropertyUtils.getPropertyDescriptor(pv, "name");
> //descriptor = new PropertyDescriptor("name", pv.getClass());
> Method readMethod = descriptor.getReadMethod();
> Object value = readMethod.invoke(pv, new Object[0]);
> When I use the first of the two "descriptor = " lines (thereby making 
> use of Struts), I get the following exception on the invoke() line:
> Name: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
> Message: object is not an instance of declaring class
> Stack: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: object is not an instance of 
> declaring class
> at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
> However, when I use the second of the two "descriptor = " lines (thereby 
> using standard Java SDK reflection), the invoke() line executes correctly.
> Any help would be appreciated.
> This is using Struts 1.0 beta-1 (binaries).

This is definitely strange.  How is your bean class declared?  Does it say
"public class Xyz" at the top?  Does it implement one or more interfaces?

It would be really helpful if you could post a bug report to our bug
tracking system <http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/> with a sample bean
class that illustrates the problem.

> Regards,
> Bryan

Craig McClanahan

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