I do not know an answer to your question. But a lot of examples and answers in
this email archive. Try to search for "iteration" or "iterate".
Here is a link:

"YOUSFI, Zahi" wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have an Action that create in the request scope a javabean.
> the action mapping for this action is a forward to a jsp.
> The javabean contains a vector of string and it is used in the jsp to create
> a select element in a form.
> When the ActionForm validate method is called the javabean is not any more
> valid.
> If there are errors the controller servlet will forward control back to the
> jsp.
> The jsp will not find the javabean to display the form properly.
> the first idea is to put the javabean in the session scope.
> Some one have an other idea?
> thx for help,
> Cordialement,
> Structis (GIE Informatique Bouygues Construction)
> Tél : 01 30 60 41 89 - Fax : 01 30 12 11 14

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