On Thu, 15 Mar 2001, Richard Yumul wrote:

> What's the process to dynamically populate a form?  For example, say I click
> on a link w/ a URL something like:
> user.jsp?userid=34
> How would I code the user.jsp (and/or the accompanying classes) to fill in
> the form in user.jsp with user# 34's data in a struts-centric way?
> (If there's documentation somewhere on how to do this, please let me know,
> thanks)

The Struts example application does exactly this sort of trick.

On the registration.jsp page, do a View Source and look at the links in
the table of subscriptions down at the bottom -- specifically the edit
links.  You will see that they link back to an action
(/editSubscription.do) rather than directly to a page.  Which subscription
is being referenced is passed as query parameters.

The /editSubscription action looks up the existing subscription,
prepopulates the ActionForm bean, and forwards to the subscription.jsp
page for display.  When you submit the updated subscription, it goes to a
different action (/saveSubscription) to be stored in the database.

> Thanks,
> Rich

Craig McClanahan

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