If all struts distributed examples work fine you do not need to worry. The
Bluestone site can use old distribution. Take care about only struts
examples. Understand how they work.

JOEL VOGT wrote:

> Hi,
> I am having troubles running the hello-world app from the struts trail
> map at http://developer.bluestone.com.
> The basic directory setup is this
> hello-world \WEB-INF        \ lib       \ classes \ helloworld
> hello.jsp   struts-bean.tld struts.jar           HelloWorldResources.p.
>             web.xml
> where HelloWorldResources.p = properties (just fitting on one line)
> I have one jsp, hello.jsp which just uses a <bean:message> to display a
> line from the properties file.
> Anyway, when ran in tomcat 3.2.1, I get the error 'cannot load servlet
> name: action'.
> This corresponds to my web.xml, which is just a normal descriptor.
> This error does not effect this simple example, but I think it is what
> is stuffing up my others.
> Any help on the cause/remedy of this?
> When running a sample logon app, I get errors such as could not find
> ActionBean and ActionForward etc....
> All the example apps distributed with struts work fine.
> Any help appreciated.
> Thanks, Joel.

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