I experienced the same problem with Weblogic 5.1 sp8.  To fix it, I
increased the initial heap and maximum heap size arguments for the Java VM
in the Weblogic server startup BAT file to:

-ms256m -mx256m

This may be overkill for your situation, but it should work.

                    "Kurt Olsen"                                                       
                    <kolsen@get2h        To:     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>      
                    awaii.com>           cc:     (bcc: Todd Malvoso/GRS/GRN)           
                                         Subject:     500 lines of jsp is 10k lines of 
                    01:03 PM                                                           
                    respond to                                                         

Hi everybody,

I'm fighting a problem whereby the java code generated by a 500 line jsp
file is so large (10,200) lines that a try/catch block contains so much
that the file won't compile, giving a msg saying something like 'jump
out of range'...

Surely I'm not the first to deal with this (and it's a real show-stopper).
Anybody know a way to deal with this (other that hand editing the

This isn't a struts problem per-se but it's being interpreted that way by
the powers that be where I work. Not good!


-----Original Message-----
From: Kyle Robinson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, March 19, 2001 7:36 AM
To: Struts (E-mail)
Subject: Locales and images

I understand Struts has support for makeing web apps available in different
languages.  Does this include images?  If I have images with text on them
English can I make images with text in French as well?  Do I name the image
files differently or do I have to include the paths to the images in the
property files?  Has anyone done this?  What's the best approach?

Kyle Robinson
Systems Consultant
Pangaea Systems Inc.
(250) 360-0111

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