What happens to javascript validations? Where do we fit them in the comlete picture?

They don't happen at the moment. Part of the Struts 1.1 plan is to look at some forms of
autogeneration of JavaScript validation. A few people have implemented their own system
for this.

Who takes care of whether is it a normal application or struts application. does the container do this ?

There is no real difference, struts is normal ;-) When the web container is set up it
need to know that a path ending in .do is part of struts, as are .jsp pages.

If we have to code the struts-jsp and a corresponding bean for every form then where is the convenience ? Are we not trading one problem with another.

I'm not sure what you mean, but there is some shortcut methods you can handle with
the form input/output part. If you read the taglib documentation you'll see examples
of this.

Under what circumstances do I need to extend ActionServlet and use that ?

When you need something that it doesn't provide. For example I extend ActionServlet to
implement setting up singleton objects for database access.

I have a gut feeling that struts application will be slow as it involves one extra component at the server side for every single GUI developed ?

Milliseconds slower ;-)

Can some body who is deeply involved with struts development reply.

I'n not that deeply involved, but they are valid questions.

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