You are locked into a single vendor solution with that. ASP does a really
poor job of separating UI from business logic. I don't recommend it.

-----Original Message-----
From: malcolm davis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 10:25 PM
Subject: RE: Alternative Frameworks - continued

Have you looked into vs ...?

  > -----Original Message-----
  > From: Eric Brown [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  > Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2001 1:33 PM
  > Subject: RE: Alternative Frameworks - continued
  > My team did an evaluation of Turbine and struts three months
  > ago and Turbine
  > has some advantages, but while we had trouble getting both Turbine and
  > struts to work, Turbine was impossible while struts was merely
  > difficult. I
  > also think the pull-MVC model that struts uses is superior in
  > the long-run
  > to Turbine's push model.
  > I'm happy to report that my team is actively developing with
  > struts and that
  > we have overcome the difficulties most usually have to overcome when
  > learning struts (and likely any new framework).
  > Bellow is my original message with comparison data, etc.
  > -----Original Message-----
  > From: Eric Brown
  > Sent: Monday, December 11, 2000 10:46 PM
  > To: Turbine; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  > Cc: Yogieric (E-mail)
  > Subject: App framework eval: Turbine and/or Struts - Push vs. Pull MVC
  > I'm looking for an application framework for future work at my
  > company and
  > am considering Turbine, Stuts and a few others. (My company
  > currently uses
  > IIS/ASP/SQL Server and will move to apache/Java app server,
  > Tomcat first and
  > Resin later as performance dictates, and Oracle.) Turbine seems
  > to have the
  > most features including Torque (DB abstraction) and a
  > personalization engine
  > that are important to me. However, as the push versus pull MVC paradigms
  > ( recently
  > discussed on the
  > Turbine list concluded, Turbine's preferred UI language,
  > Velocity, is a push
  > model that does not allow me to develop tag-like APIs for my UI/HTML
  > designers the way struts does, a pull MVC model. I believe
  > Turbine allows
  > raw JSP that would allow me to use Turbine AND struts where appropriate
  > although I'm not sure that's the best answer either.
  > Pri Issue                           ASP     JSP     Enhydra
  > Struts  Turbine
  > 1   Separate UI from business logic                 XXX     X       XXX
  > X
  > 1   Database abstraction layer                      XXX
  >     XXX
  > 1   Reliable, Stable and scaleable  XXX     XXX     XXX     ?       ?
  > ?
  > 1   Growth path                     X       XX      XX      XXX     XXX
  > XX
  > 1   Error validation and reporting                  ?       X?
  >     ?
  > 1   Error message separation                        ?       ?
  >     ?
  > 1   Reasonably Fast                 XXX     XXX     ?       ?       ?
  > X?
  > 2   Very Fast                       XX      XX      ?       ?       ?
  > ?
  > 2   Personalization Engine
  >     X
  > 2   Source code availability                X       X       XX      XXX
  > X
  > 2   Longevity -- Been around        XXX     XX      XX      X       X
  > X
  > 2   Code reusability                                XXX     XXX     XX
  > XX
  > 2   Documentation                   XXX     XXX     XX      X       X
  > XX
  > 2   HTML form rich API                      ?       X?      ?
  > 2   Early compilation                               XXX     ?       ?
  > XX
  > 2   Vendor Freedom                  X       XXX     XX      XXX     XXX
  > XXX
  > 2   MVC Pull model                                  ?       XXX
  >     ?
  > 3   MVC Push model                                  ?               XXX
  > XX
  > 3   Strict API enforcement                          XXX             XXX
  > XXX
  > 3   API Extensibility                               XXX     XXX     X
  > XX
  > 3   Internationalization                            ?       X?      X?
  > X
  > 3   File Upload API                 ?               ?
  >     X?
  > I've tried to note what I know exists in each framework. The
  > legend is as
  > follows:
  > X - Feature exists
  > XX - Feature exists and is reasonably good
  > XXX - Feature exists and is great
  > ? - Feature might exist, unsure
  > X? - Feature exists but quality is unknown
  > ASP - IIS, ChiliSoft, Perl::ASP
  > Straight JSP - See
  > Enhydra - See
  > Struts - See
  > Turbine - See
  > XML/XSL - M$ Implements on ASP, Cocoon (, Resin
  > (
  > Other priorities relevant to web server, internal process,
  > etc., but not to
  > application framework:
  > Priority - Issue
  > 1 - Staff Training Resources
  > 1 - Must run in J2EE environment (Tomcat 3.2)
  > 1 - Portability, ability to migrate from NT to UNIX easily
  > 1 - Security
  > 2 - Easy Deployment
  > 2 - Logging/audit system
  > 2 - Ability to debug
  > 2 - Search
  > 3 - Voice/WML/Alternate presentation format support
  > 3 - Reporting system
  > 4 - Content Management (other than Perforce)
  > -----Original Message-----
  > From: Richard Yumul [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  > Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2001 1:15 PM
  > Subject: Alternative Frameworks - continued
  > Does anybody have comparisons betweeen Turbine & Struts?
  > Rich
  > Richard M. Yumul
  > Polexis, Inc.
  > Direct: 619-542-7209
  > Fax: 619-542-8675
  > transforming data into knowledge

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