Maya Muchnik wrote:

> 1/
> How about several files under A directory:
> and so on...
> Can you see it, that you have a problem.

Yeah, it's abit of a problem.  The "overridden"  PropertyMessageResources
would need to be smart enough to group/merge all the locale's together as one.
I think it's doable, but I'm not going to do it until I need to.

For now, I'm sticking with my Ant build doing the merge of
these files.  It's easier, and just as efficient.  My fear is that when I deploy
my WAR, someone's going to mess with some strings in the properties,
and hand me back the changes.  Then I'll have to fold them changes back
into my "segmented" files.   Abit of a pain.

> 2/
> How about a file name as extra init parameter  that has names of all properties
> files that you want to "combine". But this becomes a little complicated when you
> think about different languages.

That could work too, but also a pain to implement too.

I just wish there were an easy way for me to load up about
10 bundle's vs. just the 1 "application" one that Struts currently
lets me load.  Then I can use them in my JSP Struts taglibs via
the "bundle" attribute - ie. <html:img srcKey="x.gif" bundle="images" .../>

I mean the 'bundle' attribute is there!!!, I'm just unclear how I set these
different resource bundles in my app scope.   I get the feeling
I'm overlooking something stupid.  Can someone tell me how I set
a "servlet context attribute key for the MessageResources instance to use" ?
This is what it says in the taglib guide, and I'm just unsure how to load
these for use.


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