On Wed, 21 Mar 2001, Phillip Rhodes wrote:

> In the action class  perform method, there is a return type of a 
> ActionForward object.
> But I want to go straight to a servlet  in this method (FOP, generating a 
> PDF).  (Wondering, can ActionForwards refer to servlets?)
> I know I can return a ActionForward object that points to to a jsp that 
> would include the servlet, but this seems wrong.  Can someone tell me what 
> would be the best way to go from ActionForward perform method straight to a 
> servlet?

Yes, you can do this.  The path you define in your forward element is
anything that a RequestDispatcher.forward() call can execute, which
includes any mapping to a servlet that you have defined.

You might also want to consider a feature that was added in the last week
or so -- you can now define an <action> that does a forward or include
(instead of calling your Action class) after doing the form bean
processing.  This can be a useful technique for integration with
functionality that is already available in a servlet (such as FOP) but
where you don't need any processing other than capturing the form bean

> Thanks!!!
> Phillip


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