Hi Nigel Ainslie,

Ah yes .
When I rewrite "BeanName" to "beanName" in struts-config.xml , it works good.
Very thx.

ÔÚ 2001-03-22 15:39:00 ÄúдµÀ£º
>...maybe you have a case-sensitivity issue. Sounds like your bean property
>name should be "beanName" to allow methods "getBeanName" and
>-----Original Message-----
>From: JeanX [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Thursday, 22 March 2001 3:29
>To: struts-user
>Subject: problem of newbie
>Hi struts-user,
>I have a problem , pls help me.
>I have a class that extended ActionMapping class .
>It has a BeanName property.
>And I config this property in struts-config.xml like below:
>       <action-mappings>
>               <action path="/queryHots"
>                       className="com.my.MyMapping" type="com.my.MyAction">
>                       <set-property property="BeanName"
>                       <forward .../>
>               </action>       
>       </action-mappings>
>So when my tomcat startup , my console diplay these message:
>New com.my.MyMapping
>Set com.my.MyMapping properties
>Set com.my.MyMapping property BeanName to static_hots
>But in fact , I can not get the value of property BeanName in perform
>of MyAction instead it is null.
>So what happend ? And how do I settle it on earth?
>Best regards,

Best regards,

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