Also, I found using the debug level (and adding my own
debug messages where needed) to be useful in seeing
when things are getting called.


"Craig R. McClanahan" wrote:

> On Wed, 21 Mar 2001, G.L. Grobe wrote:
> > I can see that for a radio tag, the property is the name of the bean that
> > was mapped in the struts-config.xml file. But how does the getter method in
> > the action form bean actually get called, or how does the app know which
> > getter method to use?
> >
> > I have a working example where my  action does a getXXX on the form action,
> > but I don't know how it got filled in and would like to understand that.
> >
> Basically, Struts follows rules very similar to what the standard
>         <jsp:setProperty name="beanname" property="*"/>
> tag does.  It looks at the request parameters, and matches them up with
> JavaBeans and setter methods, as long as your bean's setter methods match
> the rules in the JavaBeans specification.  In most cases, that means a
> proeprty named "foo" will look for a setter named "setFoo" -- but see the
> JavaBeans Specification for more info.
> > Adv(Thnxs)ance
> >
> >
> Craig

Ken Beyer
Metatec Internet Products Group
"The box said 'Requires Windows 95 or better.' - so I installed Linux."

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