
It's a long mail, after a long day.

Following is the scenario I am trying to get it done.

My current processing:

I have a BuddyListForm bean that has three instance variables
name,alias and phoneno.

code on my JSP page to iterate over the collection:
<logic:iterate id="buddylist" name="buddyform" property="buddylist"


<td align="left">

<bean:write name="buddylist" property="name" filter="true"/>


<td align="left">

<bean:write name="buddylist" property="alias" filter="true"/>


<td align="center">

<bean:write name="buddylist" property="phoneno" filter="true"/>


<td align="center">

<html:link page="/pfbuddylist.do?cmd=edit">

<html:img src="images/edit.gif"/>


<html:link page="/pfbuddylist.do?cmd=delete">

<html:img src="images/delete.gif"/>





This works fine.


Now I want to send multible BuddyListBeans as a collection to jsp, iterate
first at bean level, then again at attribute level.


<logic:iterate id="buddylist" name="buddyform" property="buddylist"
scope="session">     bean level

<logic:iterate  -----This is where help is needed               ---------->
attribute level

</logic:iterate> attribute level

</logic:iterate> beanlevel

How do I do it?  Any help is appreciated


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