Since Struts is a framework, there a number of inter-related parts that
work together, the error handling is a good example of that. 

When you detect an error in your Action, you need a way to display it to
the user. Since most Actions are not designed to be "views", this is a

Struts solves this problem using four (count'em 4) components, the
ActionErrors class, the message resource, the SaveError method, and,
finally, the html:errors tag.

The ActionErrors class is a way to "log" an error. Rather have you embed
a string, the ActionErrors class lets you insert a message resource key.
This is the same resource that bean:message tag uses to provide
internationalization. The SaveError method puts your ActionError class
under a reserved key in the request context, where the html:error tag
can find it. 

In your Action, you would usually have code snippets that look like

// grab a reference to the application resource collection
MessageResources messages = getResources(); 

// create a error message buffer
ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();

// process action 
// detect error

if (detect_error) {

// On error, return to input form
if (!errors.empty()) {
    saveErrors(request, errors); // put the error(s) where the
htlm:error tag can find them
     return (new ActionForward(mapping.getInput())); // go home

If the error concerns a particular field on a form, you might also have
if (field_error) {
    errors.add("field name",new ActionError("error.fieldname"));

An important thing to realize is that "error.fieldname" is not what the
tag will display. The html:error tag assumes that the strings are the
name of a key in your application's message resource, which might look
like this 

errors.header = <ul>
error.fieldname = <li>Password required</li>
error.detected = <li>Database not available</li>
error.username = <li>That username was not found</li>
errors.footer =</ul>

For more complex needs, ActionErrors can also use "replacement values"
to build customized messages, or to build messages from stock phrases. 

For more on these classes, see

<  > 

"Suriyanarayanan, Senthil Kumar" wrote:
> How do you make the errors shows up on the generated page.? Here is the code
> snapshot..
> public ActionErrors validate(ActionMapping mapping, HttpServletRequest
> request)
>         {
>                 if(password == null || !password.equals("password"))
>                 {
>                         ActionErrors aes = new ActionErrors();
>                         ActionError ae = new ActionError("Please type the
> valid password");
>                         aes.add("?", ae);
>                         return aes;
>                 }
>                 return null;
>         }
> What should I put at the place of '?' in the above add method
> struts-config.xml
>         <form-beans>
>             <form-bean name="logonForm" type="package.LogonForm"/>
>         </form-beans>
>   <action-mappings>
>     <!-- Logon Action -->
>     <action    path="/logon"
>                type="package.LogonAction"
>                scope="request"
>                name="logonForm"
>                validate="true"
>                input="/logon.jsp">
>                <forward name="successpage" path="/success.jsp" />
>     </action>
>   </action-mappings>
> logon.jsp
> <html:errors/>
> <html:form action="">
>         UserId: <html:text property="userId" size="15" maxlength="15"
> redisplay="false" />
>         Password: <html:password property="password" size="16"
> maxlength="16" redisplay="false" />
>         <html:submit/>
> </html:form>
> I saw one of the postings talking about saveErrors method. It belongs to
> Action Object, and I how do
> I get reference to action object from the validate method?
> Thanks in advance,
> Senthil Kumar.S

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