All -

I'm begging for help here! :\  I have to get this working in WS tomorrow or
we're going to drop using Struts in our app and that would THOROUGHLY suck.
Here's the most detailed info I can provide - thank you all in advance.

1) Current Environment: 
   - Development: JBoss 2.0 w/ Tomcat 3.2b7
   - Production: WebSphere 3.5.3 Advanced Server
   - Struts Milestone Build: 1.0b1

2) Situation:
   - Using struts-example.war, we deploy simply in JBoss with 100% success. 
   - Using our own struts app (just a test build of one screen from front
end to EJB), we deploy in JBoss with 100% success.

3) Problem:
   - Porting struts-example.war to WebSphere 3.5.3 fails. 
   - Porting our own War fails in WS as well. 

4) Steps Taken:
   - Converted the struts-example.war file through the Converter tool in WS.
   - Deployed to default_host/struts_example
   - Added latest jaxp.jar, crimson.jar (the example seems to need crimson
not parser), and xalan.jar (for good measure) to servlets directory
   - Created WEB-INF directory under servlets - placed struts-config.xml and
database.xml inside.
   - Started Server
   - Server starts successfully in console.
   - Error log shows that initializing database servlet bomb on uncaught SAX
exceptions from Crimson (database: Database load exception":
org.xml.sax.SAXNotRecognizedException: Feature:
   - No other errors shown.
   - Visit IP/struts-example/index.jsp 
   - Error: Application not available
   - Oddly enough if you go to the admin console, right click on
struts-example and say restart webapp and try again, it works - returning
the following error message.
   - Uncaught servlet exception thrown: (see it for yourself if you are interested)
   ...ServletInstan X Uncaught service() exception thrown by servlet {0}:
        javax.servlet.ServletException: Cannot find message resources under
key org.apache.struts.action.MESSAGE at
   - Error log shows no errors in addition to this.  (I have to wonder why
the heck it is still trying for org.apache.struts.action.MESSAGE versus the
file we initialize in the startup params)
5) Analysis
   I went through the Struts source to identify what might cause this and
studied the interaction between web.xml (and the init params) along with how
ActionServlet gets this parameter and then assigns the key value in Action.
Realizing that web.xml is used to configure the WS console on conversion, I
checked out the console settings to ensure that "application" was being set
to "org.apache.struts.example.ApplicationResources"  -- it was.  

At this point I'm clueless, I actually DID NOT have this problem in 3.5.2
(just gobs of other ones) but the client we are developing for agreed to the
FixPack 3 upgrade, so now I need only worry about 3.5.3.

Please help! :)


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