Hi, Christophe,

I understand that you prefer to talk in French. But we cannot read your email. If you
would like to talk only with Cedric, you can send email only to him, not all struts

Thanks and sorry for any interruption.


Christophe Vigny wrote:

> J'espere, que cela prendra en compte l'internationnalisation. Les fichiers de
> resources, ne permettent pas de gerer des pages stylisées.
> Ce qui m'interesserait, dans un systeme de templates, ce sont des feuilles de style
> (pas xsl) qui s'appliqueraient sur des beans, et qui permettrait au graphiste de
> définir globalement comment s'affiche l'objet, puis de l'utiliser via des tags.
> a+
> Cedric Dumoulin a écrit :
> >   Hi Vincent,
> >
> >   Have a look to Components proposal. Components proposal can be seen as
> > "extended templates". With Components you can define your template's
> > contents/attributes in a separate file, and insert content by using its name. A
> > content, named a component, can also inherit from other definitions. Components
> > proposal also contains other features.
> >   See (main site) http://www.lifl.fr/~dumoulin/components
> >          (mirror) http://www.geocities.com/cedricdumoulin/components/
> >
> >   I am currently working on the possibility to define or modify the
> > template/component inside the action or inside the jsp. This will be available
> > soon (see a previous mail 'Re: PROPOSAL: Template Screens').
> >   Furthermore, useful Components features will be progressively introduce in
> > Struts version 1.1
> >
> >   For your first question, see intermixed.
> >
> >   Cedric
> >
> > Vincent Harcq wrote:
> >
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > 1. I am beginning to look at Templating mechanism and so use the example
> > > struts-template using version pre-beta-2 (23/03/01).
> > > The result is a strange for me.  Can somebody explain me this.
> > > On the first page, when I look at the generated code (look at the end of
> > > message), I got something where the side-bar.jsp and header.jsp is included
> > > BEFORE the <html> tag; while from what I see in chapterTemplate.jsp, the
> > > <html> should appear first.
> > > Is there a problem somewhere ?  Does somebody is aware of that ?  Is it my
> > > browser ?
> > >
> >
> >   What jsp server do you use ? This happens because your server doesn't flush
> > included page.
> >   You can try to use the components library instead of template one, it is fully
> > compatible.
> >
> > >
> > > 2. I was also thinking about another mean of doing templating.  The fact
> > > that I have two create each 2 files (introduction.jsp and introduction.html)
> > > is not really needed if you consider you have a little number of different
> > > templates to work with.
> > > Say you have only two templates (side-bar header content footer) (left-bar
> > > header content right-bar footer), it is too much for me to create each time
> > > the page that will use template:put.
> > > I have done that before I used Struts in a "request processor" by setting
> > > the value of a "content" field, forwarding to one of two pages template1.jsp
> > > and template2.jsp that uses jsp include tags.
> > > My plan was to do that in the findForward() method of ActionForwards and
> > > forward all the time to one of the 2 template pages that I have and setting
> > > the "content" value before.
> > > To speak "philosophically", but wishing to not re-open this debate, the PUSH
> > > method is for me more convenient that the "PULL" one for Page Templating
> > > Mechanism.  But I do not want to "mix" Velocity and Struts """"only""" to
> > > solve this templating problem.
> > >
> >
> > >
> > > Any ideas ?
> > >
> > > HTML generated:
> > > ---------------
> > >
> > > <font size='5'><a name="top">Topics</a></font><p>
> > >   <table width='145'>
> > >     <tr><td><a href='introduction.jsp'>
> > >         Introduction </a></td></tr>
> > >
> > >     <tr><td><a href='using.jsp'>
> > >         Using Templates </a></td></tr>
> > >
> > >     <tr><td><a href='optional.jsp'>
> > >         Optional Content </a></td></tr>
> > >     <tr><td><a href='more.jsp'>
> > >         ... and more ...</a></td></tr>
> > >   </table></p>
> > >
> > > <table>
> > >    <tr>
> > >       <td><img src='graphics/java.gif'/></td>
> > >       <td><img src='graphics/templates.gif'/></td>
> > >    </tr>
> > > </table><hr>
> > > <html>
> > >  . . .
> > >
> > > _________________________________________________________
> > > Do You Yahoo!?
> > > Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com

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