On Fri, 30 Mar 2001, Mitesh Mehta wrote:

> I am trying to figure out the CVS directory structure for a large
> multi-component web application.
> I know that the Servlet/JSP specs prescribe a certain directory structure
> that is used to build war files.  I am interested in knowing if any of you
> have added to that structure or have any advise or pointers based on your
> own experience.

The Struts source distribution demonstrates my favorite way to organize
things in my source CVS repository:

        build.xml      Ant build script that creates a build directory
                       that matches the servlet spec requirements for a
                       web app, by:
                       (a) creating the build directory
                       (b) copying all the static files from "web/"
                       (c) creating a WEB-INF/classes directory under
                           the build directory
                       (d) compiles the Java sources in "src/" with a
                           destination of WEB-INF/classes
                       (e) creating a WEB-INF/lib directory
                       (f) copying all the Struts TLDs to WEB-INF, and
                           struts.jar to WEB-INF/lib.

        src/           Contains Java sources (in suitable subdirectories
                       to reflect the package hierarchy)

        web/           JSP and HTML source files that make up the web
                       portion of the application, including the WEB-INF
                       directory and its associated web.xml and
                       struts-config.xml files.

There is advice along similar lines in the "Application Developer's
Guide" document that ships with Tomcat.

> Thanks,
> Mitesh Mehta
> S1 Corp (http://www.s1.com)

Craig McClanahan

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