All -

I was hoping to tap the brain trust out there for any ideas on how to
address the following problem:

In the system I am currently working on there is a large amount of code
generated based on a database schema.  For example: for any given table
in the schema an entity bean is generated with some basic functionality
as well as a javabean (maps to the columns in the table) that is used to
pass data between the back-end to the front-end.

>From a Struts perspective the majority of our forms maintain a 'has-a'
relationship with on or more of these javabeans.  Therefore the
properties in the JSP's map directly into the generated javabeans.  This
has been working beautifully thus far.  However, we made some pretty
significant schema changes for the next release of our product, and am
now facing the problem of re-working the system to function against the
new schema.

The main problem is, as the entire code base is being re-worked we
cannot deploy and run the system.  Therefore, it is not a trivial task
to search through the JSP code to determine what properties will break
the next time a page is run.  Just as a baseline for the size of the
system we have roughly 500 jsps that use Struts tags and 50 + form
objects that may have changed structure based on the newly introduced

My initial thoughts on this were to somehow scan through the JSP's and
attempt to resolve the proper form associated with it and then attempt
to call the appropriate getters and setters using the Struts facilities.
I would preferably like to piggyback on the work already being done by
the JSP compilation services (Jasper, etc) but am having a little
difficulty determining if I can insert some process along the way or
mimic the function using the services components.

The eventual out put of such a process could be something as simple as a
report of what properties will be problematic and in what pages they
live.  Then work could be done to pro-actively fix these places while
the rest of the system is being re-worked.

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.


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