
 I think the following might work:

          <html:options collection="severities" property="value"
labelProperty="label" />

This should give you one option for each element in the collection returned by
getSeverities() in your form Bean.
 If I remember correctly the labelName attribute is used when you have  separate
collections of beans for the value and the label.

 Regards, Mikael


> Dear All,
> Hi.  Would really appreciate some help on this one.
> I have a Vector called severities in my form bean, which holds my
> SelectOptionBeans - these simply hold value and label of my select options, with
> appropriate getters and setters.
> Having problems referencing these in the <html:options> tag.  Here's what I am
> trying:
>                 <html:options property="severities" labelName="value"
>                             labelProperty="label"/>
> What am I doing wrong?  I have read through the documentation, and I know it is
> finding the severities Vector (getSeverities()) is being called, but I get the
> dreaded
>      javax.servlet.ServletException: Cannot find bean under name value
> when it tries to get the labelName.
> Many thanks,
> Dave

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