> Also which browser are you using?  Does the browser
> return an error message after timing out? 

I use IE 5.0. The browser never comes back. 

> Can you view source on the blank page?

It never returns so there is no blank page. Also my servlet container
crashes after that with
container exception (I use servletmill).

> Can you system.out.println in the action classes or 
> view the console to ensure that you are indeed successfully 
> forwarding to mainmenu.jsp?

I print a message from MainMenuAction.class and I can see the message on the
console. When I
view the servlet log, I can see it hits the action class, prints the message
and returns with mainmenu.jsp.
It seems like it gets hung while processing mainmenu.jsp. It seems like it
completes the jsp page processing but
does not know where to go after that. It appears to me that no one is
waiting for the output.

> Which app server are you using?

I use persistence PowerTier 6.53 (pretty good one, so far no problems,
except this).

Thanks a lot for your help.

-----Original Message-----
From: Abraham Kang [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2001 5:49 PM
Subject: RE: mapping to .do (action class) instead of jsp page

It looks like your struts-config.xml is good but 
when you say is hangs, what do you see in the log or
dos window.

Also which browser are you using?  Does the browser
 return an error message after timing out?  

Can you view source on the blank page?

Can you system.out.println in the action classes or 
view the console to ensure that you are indeed successfully 
forwarding to mainmenu.jsp?

Which app server are you using?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Boulatian, Misak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2001 5:27 PM
> Subject: RE: mapping to .do (action class) instead of jsp page
> It looks like this:
>               <!-- Login -->
>               <action         path="/login"
> type="com.vantra.volts.core.action.LoginAction"
>                                       name="loginForm"
>                                       scope="request"
>                                       validate="true"
>                                       input="/login.jsp">
>                       <forward name="failure"
> path="/loginfailed.jsp"/>
>                       <forward name="mainmenu"
> path="/mainmenu.do"/>
>                       <forward name="disclaimer"
> path="/disclaimer.jsp"/>
>                       <forward name="changepassword"
> path="/changepassword.jsp"/>
>                       <forward name="rtquotesagreement"
> path="/rtquotesagreement.jsp"/>
>               </action>
>               <!-- Logoff -->
>               <action         path="/logoff"
> type="com.vantra.volts.core.action.LogoffAction">
>                       <forward name="failure"
> path="/login.jsp"/>
>                       <forward name="login"
> path="/login.jsp"/>
>               </action>
>               <!-- Main Menu -->
>               <action         path="/mainmenu"
> type="com.vantra.volts.core.action.MainMenuAction">
>                       <forward name="failure"
> path="/login.jsp"/>
>                       <forward name="success"
> path="/mainmenu.jsp"/>
>               </action>
> The login forwards to logical name "mainmenu" mapped to "/mainmenu.do".
> MainMenuAction returns "success" mapped to "/mainmenu.jsp".
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Abraham Kang [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2001 4:50 PM
> Subject: RE: mapping to .do (action class) instead of jsp page
> What does your struts-config.xml look like for MainMenuAction
> --Abraham
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Boulatian, Misak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2001 4:25 PM
> > Subject: RE: mapping to .do (action class) instead of jsp page
> > 
> > 
> > I've tried still hangs with no errors. It seems like it hits the action
> > class MainMenuAction and
> > from there I forward to the success page which is mainmenu.jsp. 
> But never
> > ends.
> > 
> > -----Original Message-----
> > Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2001 3:25 PM
> > Subject: RE: mapping to .do (action class) instead of jsp page
> > 
> > 
> > The path is context-relative, and must start with a "/".  Try it with
> > path="/mainmenu.do".
> > 
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Boulatian, Misak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2001 3:22 PM
> > Subject: RE: mapping to .do (action class) instead of jsp page
> > 
> > 
> > Hi all,
> > 
> > I am having problem of using mapping to action class rather than 
> > to jsp page
> > in struts config file. I want to find out if it is possible at 
> > all. So far,
> > every time I use this style mapping <forward name="success"
> > path="mainmenu.do"/> the system hangs and I don't get any 
> messages. Is it
> > something that I am doing wrong or it is not possible to use this style
> > mapping?
> > 
> > By the way, the version that I am using is (not beta yet):
> > jakarta-struts-20010308.
> > 
> > I would appreciate the response.
> > Thanks,
> > Misak Boulatian
> > 

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