Two questions, please.

1) Why do I have to include the 'name' attribute of <logic:iterate> when
inside an <html:form> element?  It seems gross to have the same string
in both the JSP page and the <form-bean> element in struts-config.xml.

2) I have a bean that has a collection of Phone objects, accessible via
its getPhones() method.  Shouldn't I be able to return EITHER a Phone[]
or a java.util.Collection?  The following element works fine when a
Collection is returned, but I get an error ("No getter method for
property phones of bean myForm") when a Phone[] is returned.

    <logic:iterate id="phone" name="myForm" property="phones" >
        <bean:write name="phone" property="type" />
        <html:text name="phone" property="number" />

Thanks in advance.

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