On Thu, 5 Apr 2001, Scott Cressler wrote:

> Ummm, I'm not using WebLogic....  ;-)
> I've figured out some of the problem.  I can't do a <jsp:useBean> of my
> formBean because (in ActionServlet.processActionForm() ) the bean is put
> into the request as an ActionForm, not as my class.  So I can cast it to
> ActionForm, but not to my class (com.propel.webapp.actions.AddressForm).
> I can probably figure out a way around that (maybe by using the bean tags?),
> but the other problem I'm having is still confusing me....

What version of Struts are you using?

The <html:form> bean accepts a "type" attribute that you can use to set
the fully qualified Java classname of the actual bean.  If you don't
specify it, the corresponding bean type is looked up based on the
corresponding action mapping -- at least with recent nightly versions.

> Keep on digging,
> Scott


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