At 03:33 AM 4/10/2001, you wrote:
>I want to display the size of an Collection attribute of a Bean using 
>Struts taglibs.  I can use scriptlet but are there any other ways to do that?

Based on a response from [EMAIL PROTECTED] to a bug I filed, it 
appears you can use the bean:size tag to do what you want.  Here is a 
snipped from the bug tracking system that should illustrate getting the 
number of elements into a bean.  For your problem, you would then use 
bean:write to display this item count in your HTML (instead of using 
logic:equal to check the size).

! ------- Additional Comments From [EMAIL PROTECTED] 2001-03-30 16:20 
! I had a similar problem awhile ago and Craig created the bean:size tag. This
! can be used along with logic tags to do what you want.
! <bean:size id="numlineitems" name="userorderdetail" 
! scope="request" />
! <logic:equal name="numlineitems" value="0" >
! <bean:message key="emptylist.noitemsinorder"/>
! </logic:equal>
! <logic:greaterThan name="numlineitems" value="0" >
! ...
! </logic:greaterThan>

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