
I tried your way to Internationalized the Javascript message.
        it worked fine for the 'bean:message...'   but my rest of the
Javascript is not working.

Actually I have placed rest on my javascript in a .js file as below

<script language=javascript src="/jsp/datevalidation.js"></script>
<script language=javascript src="/jsp/calendar.js"></script>

None of my function in those files get executed and at the sam time it
throws me an exception while loading the page.

I am using WebLogic 5 with sp8 and Struts.

Any help is appriciated.

Anshuman Nanda

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, March 30, 2001 2:01 PM
Subject: Re: Internationalized JavaScript?...Solved!!

I do appreciate the suggestions presented to me.  Let me share with you how
I solved the problem.
It was actually quite simple.  I simply added the following line to my
resin.conf (I'm using resin, but the same type of solution should work for
anything) file:
      <servlet-mapping url-pattern='*.js'
That way I can still keep the ".js" extension, but it will be considered a
jsp file to the servlet container.  I then placed the bean:message tags
wherever I needed internationalized text (example: confirm("<bean:message
key="title.logon"/>" )) and ... voila!  It works!  I think.  I tested it
only a couple times and only in one instance, but I think it will work for
what I need it for.




                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]            To:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                

                    03/30/01 10:58        Fax to:

                    AM                    Subject:     Internationalized
                    Please respond

                    to struts-user



Let's say you have an alert box that has a message.  You want that message
to be internationalized.  Let's also assume that you want your JavaScript
source to not be in the jsp/html page, you would rather link to it (i.e.
<script src="[location of JavaScript source file]">).

How do you get the internationalized message to show up in the alert box?

The only two solutions I can think of are these:
Bear in mind, they are only workarounds.
 1- pass the message as parameters when calling the function.   example:
onClick="alert(<bean:message key="international.message"/>)"
2- simply give up on the second requirement and keep the code in the jsp

Any suggestions?


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