We are currently building the following:

1) GenericActionForm with dynamic properties
2) Override ActionServlet to populate the GenericActionForm
3) Provide type validation & conversion mechanisms in the GenericActionForm
4) Provide mechanism to unload the GenericActionForm into GenericBeans

Our Actions initiate form validation, unload data into GenericBeans which
are then passed to our logic layer and I believe this will allow us to put
most of our effort into developing the JSP's and logic layer.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Natra, Uday [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 12 April 2001 20:17
> Subject: Action Forms And Model objects
> Hi All,
> I want to know how you all are desiging the Datacopy from ActionForm Beans
> to actual Model objects. In my opinion ActionForms should have only String
> DataTypes(Dates are represented as strings). But the Model objects have
> actual Data Types since they represent the actual Domain objects. If it is
> the case, we need to write code to copy the contents of the
> ActionForm into
> the Domain Object as we cannot use the
> PropertyUtils.copyProperties(formBean, modelObject);
> Can anybody comment on this??
> Thanks,
> Uday.

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