Velocity is a general template engine that is well suited for the View
layer in web applications.  It is considered an excellent alternative to
JSP.   Velocity is a Jakarta project just like Struts, and has it's
homepage at :

I have been exploring the possiblity of using Velocity templates in the
Struts framework, and would like to invite any interested Struts users
and developers to participate.

Currently, I have it far enough where the struts-example has been
converted, and for the most part works 100% like the original.  There is
support for :

1) Integration of normal velocity templates (*.vm) into the Struts
action/forward framework.  These templates can co-exist with JSPs in the
same application.
2) The excellent Struts message resource management.
3) The Struts Action error system.

The package doesn't modify or replace any Struts code, so there will be
no disruption of your normal application development.

I am looking to guage interest in this continuing, and having people try
out Velocity in their Struts-based application.  Further,  I am very
interested in re-purposing the taglibs for general Velocity use, so
actual use cases will be good to drive that forward.

If you are interested, the package can be found in the Velocity CVS


Please read the README.txt for any interesting build or other notes.

The example, bundled as a WAR and tested on Tomcat 4.0 an Tomcat 3.2.1,
can be found at

I look forward to working with you.


P.S.  Note - I said 'alternative to...' rather than 'replacement
for...'.  Some of you may be familiar with the debate over JSP vs
template engines(specifically Velocity and WebMacro), and may be
familiar with some of the provocative information we have on the
Velocity web site regarding this issue.

I am not interested in that debate with this - I simply am interested in
seeing Velocity as a choice for web development specifically here in the
Struts framework, interested in evolving Velocity through comparison
with other technologies [yes, I will steal every good idea I see :-)  ],
and understanding more about approaches to web development frameworks.

So be nice :)

Geir Magnusson Jr.                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Developing for the web?  See

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