You can set the combo box data retrieved from a database as a Servlet
context attribute and retrieve this attribute in your web pages using the
getAttribute method.

Code as follows in your init() method.

getServletConfig().getServletContext().setAttribute("cities", list of

And in your JSP page, do a application.getAttribute("cities") and display

Note: Remember to do a load-on-startup of your servlet.

The above approach is fine if you want to have cache within a single
application. If you want to have the same cached data accessible to
different web applications, you can use a Startup class like what Weblogic
provides. You can have your cached data as instance variables of  your
startup class and every web application should be able to access that.


-----Original Message-----
From: Alex Colic [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2001 9:15 AM
To: Struts
Subject: how to cache lists?


Lets say you have a web app that runs over a number of web pages in a wizard
fashion. On each one of these pages you need to present the user with a
select box holding lists. e.g. locations, cities, etc. This data is read
from a database and rarely changes.

How would you cache these lists so that as each user access this site they
do not need to have this info downloaded again?

I was thinking in the init() of my ActionServlet to access the database and
get these lists then place them in the session with Application scope. I
think this would allow each user to access the data without reaccessing the

Any comments or suggestions are appreciated.



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