problem solved.
my struts-config action didn't match the .do action on my link.
thanks for all who gave it thought.

-----Original Message-----
From: Anderson, Jessica [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2001 10:36 AM
Subject: iPlanet and Struts Error: 400 SC_BAD_REQUEST

iPlanet users:
I've built my WAR file to include content, action classes, controller and
config files (I also have struts.jar, parser.jar, and jaxp.jar in
WEB-INF\lib), but i am getting the following error when clicking a link with

.do?[some parameters] extension.  


Maybe I am missing something?

Servlet 2.0 javadocs says that this error is thrown from service method:
"This method looks whether the request is a POST, GET, etc method, and then
calls the appropriate doPost, doGet, whatever method.  If the request method
is something it can't handle it sends a HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST
error through the response."

Is there some reason the service method of ActionServlet couldn't handle my
request?  The actual request looks like this:

[18/Apr/2001:09:51:24 -0500] "GET
graphics HTTP/1.0" 400

i have the alias set up in the DD and it looks correct.  I have successfully
deployed the same example on tomcat and am trying to convert to iPlanet.

thanks in advance for your help.

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