
>Could you describe the exact rules you are trying to use?  It's not
>possible to answer your questions just from this description.

Here are the rules I use for my case :


        digest.addObjectCreate("connector/config", "java.lang.Exception",
        digest.addSetProperty("connector/config/attribute", "name",
        digest.addSetNext("connector/config", "setConfigObject",
"java.lang.Object"); // New object reference is stored in current object
(this) in order to be available after automatical pop

        digest.addCallMethod("connector", "addConnectorToList", 1); //
Function call at end tag
        digest.addCallParam("connector", 0, "name");
        digest.addCallParam("connector", 1, "className");

Does the order of those statements matter ?

My problem is just to know if CallParam actually pushes a String on stack ?
If yes, this means that one can't use in tha same time CallMethod and
SetNext as in my example.
Thank you

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Noel Sebastien [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: jeudi 19 avril 2001 12:28
> Subject:      Digester : "java.lang.InternalError: (Ex02) An error has
> occurred " AND "addCallParam"
> Hello,
> It seems that addCallParam push a String on the stack, why ? It is very
> annoying for my program. How can I by pass that problem ?
> I would like to parse the following XML :
>       <connector name="MQ1" className="connector.MqJmsConnector">
>               <config configClassName="connector.JmsConnectorConfig">
>                       <attribute name="pooledSessionInitNb" value="3"/>
>               </config>
>       </connector>
> 1/ first : I push my global object on stack (digester.push)
> 2/ on config tag : create configClassName object with nested attribute
> (new
> Object on Digester Stack with addObjectCreate and addSetProperty).
> Before automatically pop, I do a addSetNext to store newly object
> reference
> to global object.
> 3/ on connector end tag I would like to run a method with name and
> className
> parameters : so I use addCallMethod et 2 addCallParam on connector
> pattern,
> addCallParam push a String on stack and my previous AddSetNext is now
> launched on that String instead of the global object !!!! Thus I receive
> that InternalError !!!
> I can't believe it is impossible !! Does somebody have any idea ?
> Please,
> Thanks,
> Sébastien
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> Absender nicht verbindlich. Jede Nachricht,  welche eine Verpflichtung
> beinhaltet, muß schriftlich bestätigt und ordnungsgemäß unterzeichnet
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