I asked this question a little while ago, and the answer was quite
useful....I have copied the text of those emails below...email me if you
need more help...


>From: "Keith Morrell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Iterate over a bean full of beans?
>Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2001 17:12:57 +1200
>I have an issue where I want to iterate using a bean which has
>beans (excuse the non-industry standard lingo!) and would appreciate
>some advice (sorry this is my third post today, but I have been
>struggling with this and a couple of other issues for days now..)
>The old code went something like:
><% Iterator it = Summary.getAccounts().iterator();
>       if(it.hasNext())....
>... and then within this loop,
><% while( it.hasNext() )
>   AccountBean ab = (AccountBean) it.next();
>   out.println( ab.getName();
>   out.println( ab.getPhone();
>... etc...
>Any help etc would be appreciated...as i am not sure how to access
>child bean properties etc from the main bean (which would control the
>iterate loop)
Here is what I am doing :
I have a Bean with a vector field...

  public class SearchResult implements Serializable  {
    private Vector lots = new Vector();

... and a method returning an array of the vector's elements ...

    public Lot[] getLots() {
      Lot[] results = new Lot[lots.size()];
      return results;

In the JSP I can use the iterate tag as follow :

  <logic:iterate id="lot" name="searchResult" property="lots">
      <bean:write name="lot" property="number" filter="true"/>

Hope this helps
Gael Laurans

as far as i know you can have nested iterate tags:

<logic:iterate id="outerObj" name="beanX" property="OuterCollection">
   <bean:write name="outerObj" property="name/>
   <logic:iterate id="innerObj" name="outerObj"
      <bean:write name="innerObj" property="name"/>

i think the trick is referencing the page scope var you've created
in the outer iterate...  in this case "outerObj".


At 09:42 PM 4/23/2001 +0700, Gael Laurans wrote:
>>From: "Keith Morrell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: Iterate over a bean full of beans?
>>Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2001 17:12:57 +1200
>>I have an issue where I want to iterate using a bean which has
>>beans (excuse the non-industry standard lingo!) and would appreciate
>>some advice (sorry this is my third post today, but I have been
>>struggling with this and a couple of other issues for days now..)
>>The old code went something like:
>><% Iterator it = Summary.getAccounts().iterator();
>>         if(it.hasNext())....
>>... and then within this loop,
>><% while( it.hasNext() )
>>   AccountBean ab = (AccountBean) it.next();
>>   out.println( ab.getName();
>>   out.println( ab.getPhone();
>>... etc...
>>Any help etc would be appreciated...as i am not sure how to access
>>child bean properties etc from the main bean (which would control
>>iterate loop)
>Here is what I am doing :
>I have a Bean with a vector field...
>  public class SearchResult implements Serializable  {
>    private Vector lots = new Vector();
>... and a method returning an array of the vector's elements ...
>    public Lot[] getLots() {
>      Lot[] results = new Lot[lots.size()];
>      lots.copyInto(results);
>      return results;
>    }
>In the JSP I can use the iterate tag as follow :
>  <logic:iterate id="lot" name="searchResult" property="lots">
>  ...
>      <bean:write name="lot" property="number" filter="true"/>
>  ...
>  </logic:iterate>
>Hope this helps
>Gael Laurans
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Please note new  extension number/s below...

Keith Morrell
EDS Consultant, TRAID Project

Phone +64-9-308-5650 
EDS internal  extn 4150   
>From Telecom PABX  84150
Fax      +64-9-309-8543
Cell      +64-21-649-395

Email T906399 (internal) or [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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