
My idea was to allow multi-level popup.

Jsp1 => Jsp2 => Jsp3
Jsp1 <= Jsp2 => Jsp3

...or any combination...


-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Alfors [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 30 April 2001 20:41
Subject: Re: Returning from a form apge

The request contains the referring page.
Therefore, your action class for the 3rd page could look up where he came
in the request.


Lewis Henderson wrote:

> Hi,
> I also have a similar issue...a reuseable popup...
> The problem with your passing the return page as a parameter is that you
> only nest to one level...
> I am thinking of writing a 'push'/'pop'/'peek' implementation to allow
> to occur...
> Does anyone have any comments/ideas.
> Lewis
> -----Original Message-----
> From: James Howe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 30 April 2001 19:44
> Subject: Returning from a form apge
> In our web application, we have two pages from which a user can access a
> third page.  From the third page (which is form to fill out and save), the
> user either saves or cancels their action, and the user is returned to the
> page from which they originally started.  However, the third page has no
> knowledge about where it came from so it doesn't no who to forward to when
> its action is complete.
> I'm not sure how best to handle this situation.  One option would be to
> a parameter on the link to the third page with a value indicating the page
> to return to.  However, I'm using an <html:link> tag which is passing
> object related parameters on to the third screen (the form uses this
> information to populate itself).  What I would like to do is get the
> parameters from the object and then append another parameter which
> indicates the page to return to but I can't do that and use the link
> tag.  I'm toying with the idea of building a custom link tag which also
> takes a "return" attribute.  This tag would put the return information in
> the parameter list that gets generated.  Before I do that, however, I'm
> wondering what other ways people have used to address this sort of
> (I assume that I'm not the only person to have encoutered this situation)
> Any tips or suggestions would be appreciated.
> Thanks.

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