
Coming from a straight JSP/Servlet environment, I've been "debating"
whether to start using Struts or Velocity (they seem to "compete") as a
foundation for true MVC+ development. I'm not keen on re-writing the wheel
and would rather spend the limited time I have on back-end foundational
coding contributing to one of these projects rather than creating

As part of the evaluation exercise, I ported the Velocity "blab" forum
demo to Struts and (a) wanted to get some feedback on whether I've
successfully managed to incorporate the strengths of Struts to the fullest
extent, (b) offer it up for inclusion with the rest of the examples, and
(c) gauge whether or not it proves to be a useful comparison tool for
others in the midst of the same decision making process. I've also got
some questions, but they won't make much sense without pointing to code

The jar file (which can be extracted directly to a tomcat
"webapps" directory) is at

All comments are welcome. I'll toss out questions on specifics in another

(If this should have gone to the struts-dev list, please let me know).


boB Rudis

| "Mind the gap" |

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